
Personality Test - Trick Eye Museum or Alive Museum Singapore

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Trick Eye Museum or Alive Museum Singapore

So, you have heard of both Trick Eye Museum and Alive Museum in Singapore. You have Googled and read about them from various blogs and websites, but you still cannot make up your mind on which one to go. 

You are pulling your hair out.

You are losing sleep.

You are chanting "Alive or Trick Eye.., Alive or Trick Eye.."

Well, your worries are over. The Evilbean has devised a ONE-OF-A-KIND personality test that will accurately DETERMINE which one you are suited to go! 

Personality Test to determine Trick Eye Museum or Alive Museum Singapore

In this personality test, you will be presented with a series of different photos from both Alive Museum Singapore and Trick Eye Museum. All you have to do is to pick ONE out of the two choices that you like better. At the end of this personality test, consolidate your choices and you will know the museum which you are destined to go, given your personal character traits.

Get a paper and pen, or get someone to count for you. Are you ready?

#1 - Cute Babies

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 1

Alive Museum Singapore 1

#2 - Optical Illusions

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 2

Alive Museum Singapore 2

#3 - Merlion

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 3

Alive Museum Singapore 3

#4 - Pain

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 4

Alive Museum Singapore 4

#5 - Death

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 5

Alive Museum Singapore 5

#6 - Quirky

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 6

Alive Museum Singapore 6

#7 - Escape

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 7

Alive Museum Singapore 7

#8 - Fear

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 8

Alive Museum Singapore 8

#9 - Young v.s Old

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 9
(If you are wondering, yes, I am trying to get her matchstick into my nose.)

Alive Museum Singapore 9

#10 - *Ahems*

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 10

Alive Museum Singapore 10

- End of personality test -

Now, consolidate your A's and B's. 

Ready for your personality test results?

Mostly A's - Your Personality prefers Trick Eye Museum

- You like it small and cute. (Trick Eye spans an area of 800 sq m)

- You tend to pick larger numbers when a magician tries to do his mind-reading trick by asking you name a number between 1 - 100. (Trick Eye has about 100 art pieces)

- You like the feeling of being the FIRST. (Trick Eye is the first in Singapore to be opened)

- Your thoughts are mostly clean.

- You are mesmerised by optical illusions. (Paintings and optical illusions make up the type of art pieces in Trick Eye)

- You are a minimalist who likes simple layouts. If you are a gamer, you prefer linear story plots like Final Fantasy VII. (Each section of Trick Eye Museum is clearly demarcated, and there is only one direction you can go)

- You prefer the day than the night. A bright sunny day cheers you up. (Lightings in Trick Eye is bright and more evenly lit)

Mostly B's - Your Personality prefers Alive Museum Singapore

- You like it big. *ahems* (Alive Museum spans an area of 929 sq m)

You tend to pick smaller numbers when a magician tries to do his mind-reading trick by asking you name a number between 1 - 100. (Alive Museum has about 80 art pieces currently)

- You can be a pervert sometimes. (Alive Museum has a mirror room, a digital art that allows you to blow up the skirt, among many others)

- You are mesmerised by the fusion of traditional art painting with digital art (Digital Art and Object Art are part of the art pieces installed in Alive Museum).

- You like to explore. If you are a gamer, you tend to prefer open-world game-play like Grand Theft Auto and Assassin Creed. (Corridors lead to different rooms and doors to some sections need keen eyes to find)

- You prefer the night. The moon and the stars evokes lots of feelings for you. (Lightings in Alive Museum are dimmer, and some pieces require you to find the correct angle to avoid overexposure and reflection of the spotlights)

More info about Alive Museum here.

FIVE A's and FIVE B's

You are a Divergent. Government agencies has already begun tracking on you. Be very careful. Or... it means that you are destined to go to both Trick Eye Museum AND Alive Museum.

In any case, whichever is your personality, one thing is for sure when you visit both of these 3D museums: 

You will have a fun day out, you will create interesting memories with your friends and your loved ones, and you definitely will get to discover your inner range of emotions and expressions you never thought you had. 

Fun, memories and self-discovery - make a trip down with your friends + family and create your own unique story (poses) and experience!

Trick Eye Museum Singapore 11

Trick Eye Museum

Waterfront @ Resort World Sentosa, 
26 Sentosa Gateway
Singapore 098138
Nearest MRT Station: Harbourfront

Opening Hours: 
Daily - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm

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