
SG50 Film - The Hunt for the Red Lion

Thursday, October 29, 2015

SG50 Film - The Hunt for the Red Lion

Before you read on, recall on the answer for this question:

"What did Sang Nila Utama see when he came to Singapore?"

Well, if your answer is LION,  your whole History/Social Studies knowledge from young might have been a lie. Recent studies indicate that lions have never lived in Singapore. 

Dramatic Chipmunk

A 30 minute film, initiated by two Singaporeans Eric Ng and Elango s/o Athiramulahi Letchumana, presents a different interpretation of the history of Singapore. 

The Hunt for the Red Lion - Sang Nila Utama

Produced by Oak 3 Film Pte Ltd, this documentary film aims to show us the possible alternatives to what Sang Nila Utama could have possibly seen when he first set foot on Temasek Shores.

The creature that was described in the Malay Annals was depicted as having a red body, black head and white breast. Tell me, what kind of lion has that kind of colour?

The film compares and contrasts the various versions of history from the Malay Annals, Chinese source materials and even Indonesian source materials. When they pieced the information together, I was so astounded by the final theory as to what "creature" Sang Nila Utama saw!

SG50 Film - The Hunt for the Red Lion

SG50 Film - The Hunt for the Red Lion

Catch the public screening at the National Library on the 6 November 2015, Friday, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Sign up for this FREE screening at this link: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/sg50-documentary-film-hunt-for-the-red-lion-public-screening-tickets-19298297728

The film will also be showcased in several public events and activities, and will be available on Youtube from 15 November 2015. If you are interested to know more about this film, visit the film's Facebook page here.

Now go and watch this and have your mind blown.

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  1. Hi

    I am writing my first book about how the Lion is a symbol of Singapore. The documentary is an essential part of the book and I have made use of the first image on this page so I was wondering if I can use that image and credit your site

    Thank you



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