Food Review - Waffle Slayer
Monday, March 17, 2014
I have been yearning to head down to Waffle Slayer after I saw on Instagram that they have something super special - SQUID INK WAFFLES. Not pasta, not pizza. WAFFLES. WTS (What-The-Squid)?!
Cafe Latte ($4.90)
Apple & Almond Crumble Buttermilk Waffle with Vanilla Ice-Cream ($14.90)
Before The Evilbean presents you with the savoury finale, let's start with the sweet waffle. This apple and almond crumble IS SO GOOD! The waffles are so FLUFFAY and light, which makes it especially easy to gobble up without you getting sick of it. The slight sourish apple-sauce, when paired with the crunchy almond crumbles and the vanilla ice-cream, overloads your senses with sensations of COLD, SOUR, SWEET and CRISPY with every mouthful. It is a wonderful combination because trust me, it will leave you craving for more!
After gobbling it up within a few minutes, I patiently waited for my savoury waffle order. SQUID INK WAFFLES was the reason why I was yearning to head down to Waffleslayers. I was fascinated by how interesting it looked, and all that went through my mind while I waited was: "Will it taste weird? Is the chef who came out with this fusion crazy?"
After waiting for like 10 minutes, it finally arrived on the table..
Squid Ink Waffle with Smoked Salmon, Poached Egg & Hollandaise ($18.90)
WOW! Black waffles! WOWWWWWWWWWW! POACHED EGG! =D My mouth was gaping at this wonderful looking thing in front of me. After squeezing the lemon onto the salmon, The Evilbean dug in. A piece of waffle, a slab of salmon, all dipped in the poached egg and hollandaise.
SO FREAKING UNIQUE AND GOOD! WOW. My tastebuds were dancing. This is the most interesting taste of waffles I have ever eaten! The squid-ink taste was light, and it paired well with the salmon. The sourish taste of lemon and hollandaise, together with the creamy texture of the poached egg just brings the definition of savoury waffles to another level! LOVED IT!
Not only were the waffles good, the service staff were also super friendly. They greet you cheerfully when you enter, and greet you goodbye again when you leave. I think they also purposely hire pretty girls because they were all so good-looking! I have sort of grown used to minimal service since it is the norm in the F&B industry now to order personally at the counter, self-service ice-water, pay at the counter etc. It was definitely a pleasant surprise to get such an awesome service at Waffleslayer!
There was only one aspect of the cafe which bothered me. The name is Waffle-Slayer right? So by right I should be able to SLAY WAFFLES with SWORDS and DAGGERS, not just normal butter-knife! Like that then I can feel like a waffle slayer what! HOW TO KILL WAFFLES WITH BUTTER KNIFE? Next time, prepare swords for us to slay our waffles with okay? Maybe also play some war music in the background.
By the way, it would be totally awesome if you follow me on my Instagram @ Evilbean. I will really, really be grateful to you! Thank you! =D

Evilbean's last words/recommendation:
- Definitely one of the best waffles The Evilbean has eaten so far! The link-up with Stranger's Reunion means that you can also order the food from their menu and have the waffles as dessert!
- MUST-ORDER: Squid-ink Waffle, Apple & Almond Crumble